Yes, I realize the summer has pretty much come and gone without any updates on my end. I did make a shameful promise to myself, that I broke of course, that I would update more since I was off all summer and am now working part-time. Honestly, having all that extra time on my hands made me realize how I had absolutely no interest on wasting it in front of my computer, so, therefore, no updates. My apologies....AGAIN!
I will say that Levi has been changing more and more everyday. I have long ago decided to quit trying to keep up with what he's saying these days. My little sponge has just been soaking up everything and I couldn't be prouder. One, not so proud parenting moment, resulted in a newly learned little phrase..."Oh gosh!" He overheard me saying this to my mother over the phone, and try as I may, I couldn't erase it from his growing vocabulary. Man!!! Levi has also developed an obsession with "iick" (music). He becomes a bit anxious if I don't immediately turn up the volume in the car. He has started requesting "Jesus" songs for me to sing and enjoys saying his prayers at night. He isn't as thrilled about taking time out for blessings at mealtimes....seeing his steaming food on his plate tends to be a distraction. Levi has also taken several trips to the potty to "pee-pee" and, on a couple of occasions, he's tried the other....which scares him a bit. Sometimes, when his pee-pee doesn't come, he tries to encourage it by saying "c'mon pee-pee." Believe it or not, this tactic actually works!
Some other news in our family, which I have neglected to post, is that Levi is going to be a big brother sometime in April! We are super excited about experiencing all of this over has been a truly blessed ride so far...

Levi after playing in my pots. What is it they say little boys are made of? There may be some truth to that....