Living in North Carolina, we have become accustomed to some unpredictable, extreme ends of the weather spectrum (if there is such a term - probably not...). We see these extremes especially this time of the year. Just a couple of weeks ago, we had our greatest snowfall of the season, topping out at around 4-5 inches...then, hardly a week later, we had 80 degree temps. What is that all about? At least we don't have time to get the winter blahs...there's usually a breath of fresh air in between the dreary, windy, bitter days. Ah, but spring is in the air and I love it. I'm trying to savor every sunny day we have. Levi loves being outside which works out great for Matt and I. As long as sunny days are in the forecast, we'll be outside talking about every little thing and watching Levi explore the wonderful world of our patio and downtown T-ville. How thrilling it must be for him?! So, if any of you (who are so fortunate to live in the great metropolis of Thomasville, NC) see us out and about in "
Toot-Toot," you'll know how badly we've been waiting to get out of the apartment and out of hibernation. Also, please don't honk, I can be a bit jumpy!
Here's Levi Buttonfly playing in his "gently used" turtle sandbox on our patio. Quick story...I was on my way home from church one Sunday evening and there it sat on the side of the road at "Paw-Paw's Bait Shop" for $10. I exercised my bargaining abilities a bit and haggled it down to $8. Matt will confirm that I was overly impressed with myself and beaming obnoxiously at my great fortune!

Here's my baby trying to humor me in what was probably, for his size, knee-deep snow. He was not amused and neither was I after a couple of minutes. I think he's inherited his dad's love for snow. I couldn't help but drag him out for these pictures. Who knows when he'll see this much snow again?!