Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Much Apologies...

Much apologies to those who actually attempt to read my blog (mainly being my dear mother....) and have given up on me ever posting again.  As it happens so very often, I have become a bit overwhelmed with all that's happening and blogging is the least of my interests.  Between end of the year school work, purchasing a house (YAY!), resigning from my job of 4 years (yes, after making an offer on a I crazy???), and welcoming home our family from Africa, I've been a tad preoccupied.  Excited, but preoccupied.  Hopefully soon, after things slow down a bit, I will be back on board the blogging train and posting pics of our precious Buttonfly.  He is changing so much and getting in to so much more....I'm lovin' it!!!