For those of you who are in mourning, as I most certainly am, hold tight to what I keep reminding myself...God is in control and He has always been. My heart is sick as I imagine the immoral and unpatriotic "change" that will soon darken the doors of the White House. Thankfully, my Creator is not elected into office and will always prevail, despite how crafty His opponent is. Stand with me and commit to be in prayer for our country, the men and women who serve so passionately, our nation's children (born and unborn), and for the radicals that will soon be taking their places in our nation's capital. I know that God has a plan and it is perfect in every way. He, without question, is the "change" we need and nobody, liberal or conservative, can bring about a change that is greater than what He has in store for us.
thanks B-
last night we watched expelled. seen it? disturbing. we'll make a date and watch it. even if you have already seen it- i want to watch it again.
also- heard a casting crowns song that made me cry. I was already emotional Wed morning about the whole Obama thing. you should listen to it. it's on the Christmas CD of C. crowns- called "while you are sleeping".
it's ironic how appropriate it is right now...
i love you bud
So true Beth...God is in control and because he is our leader, we have nothing to worry about it. And, as you stated, we must pray for this nation.
Wednesday morning I emailed my mom about my disappointment about the election results and I found myself talking very negative about the "new" administration. My mom quickly stopped me and said, "Jesus cares for Obama and wants him to be saved just like he does us. So, Natasha, you need to pray for our nation AND for the salvation of Obama and other leaders." What a positive perspective to have! Thanks Mom, that's what I needed to hear!
In God...Hope is never lost!!!
Wow. For someone who claims to be a Christian you sure made some close-minded and judgemental remarks about our new President. You may want to check your facts before you through words like "radical" and "immoral" around.
~Obama Supporter
I, for one... could easily T-H-R-O-W words around like "immoral" when newly conceived babies are not given a chance to live (close to 80 million since the 70's... wonder how many presidents and CEO's have been killed?) Also words like "racial" do come to mind when I think of Barack's pastor of 20 years, who speaks as a man of seriously radical racial opinions, as we know. Funny how I've heard more about Obama's color than his policies since he was elected. I don't care about his color, I care about what he will or will not do for this country. There are examples everywhere on how race-related this election was. It is great that we can elect a black man to be president, but it is a shame that so many did it only for that reason....
Rednecks.... that's all I have to say...
Instead of focusing on what the pastor believes, why don't you go straight to the source and research Obama himself?
Even if you dislike him, as an American (and a Christian, as you CLAIM), you should support him and give him a chance. Try not to be a sore loser!
You bring a word like "redneck" into a political conversation?.... Seriously?... Grow up.
I don't beleive that there is anyway that you can call this precious women a redneck. I mean she didn't say anything about his color she just stated her opinion on the entire situation of him being a president. What she meant about darken is the fact that he is allowing ppl to kill unborn babies. I agree with her on this if you can kill a born or unborn child wouldn't it be considered murder. If someone can kill a born child then why can't they kill a man and get away with it. When people say Redneck well it's because they are immature. Alot of people consider my family Rednecks and by NO MEANS ARE THEY RACIST SO STOP BEING IMMATURE. THANKS!!!!!!!
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